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Buying carbon credits can reduce our company's carbon emissions?
Is EU' s CBAM deductible with the levy we've already paid?
Can my company adopt a forest and claim it as carbon emission reduction?
Or is it cheaper to buy carbon credits from abroad?
I have a great green product. Can you help me find customers?
I have heard that helping suppliers buy green electricity can reduce my category 4 emission?
My company deals with exports. Should I buy carbon credits from abroad first, or should I wait until the domestic carbon market go live?
How can my company sell carbon credits like Tesla?
Green Impact Academy acts as a bridge among green industries, helping you find solutions to problems across the business domain

Green Impact Partners

  • 亞洲水泥
  • BSI英國標準協會
  • 中華經濟研究院
  • 中華系統整合
  • Deloitte
  • 歐洲產業聚落合作平台
  • KPMG
  • 來穎科技
  • 台灣永續能源研究基金會
  • PWC
  • 華城電機
  • 東元電機
  • 台灣電力企業聯合會
  • 紡拓會
  • Visa

Praises for Green Impact Academy

Yancey HAI
Chairman of Delta Electronics Inc
Management believes green business is unprofitable; however, it is a huge myth. The fact is, you can achieve both company profits and environmental benefits at the same time. Those who work with you can also feel much more self-esteem and be a lot happier. This is by far the best solution by decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions.
LIN Hsien-Te
Professor of Department of Architecture of National Cheng Kung University
Green companies need a grand view to find out the keys to sustainable operation. Contact the Green Impact Academy to get your solutions. It helps you acquire foresight into building strategies for the next 10 years and putting you ahead of your competitors.
KUO Ying-Chao
Principal Architect of Bio-Architecture Formosana
When I pitch to clients, I often feel that they are really confused about how to merge environmental awareness into their business culture. You can't claim to be a green enterprise simply by transforming your headquarters into a green building. Small and medium enterprises need a better tool to make up the deficiency of green talents. When they have such needs, I would pass them a name card and invite them to meet Green Impact Academy.
YEN Wen-Chun
Vice President of Long Time Technology
We support bold green entrepreneurs, because these people will reshape accepted models of business. Green Impact Lab provides seed funding and mentorship to these pioneers, helping them acquire the resources and tools to explore further.
Aling LIN
Best-selling author
I have never run a large company, so I do not profess to understand the complicated operations and mindsets of business. However, as a customer, I know the sources of people's happiness, and earning money is not the only way. If you do not evolve with us and push your company to take responsibilities of both social and environmental problems, you will find out that you are on the wave crest when another food safety crisis takes place.
Co-founder of Ancillary Power
In our daily life, we are more likely to receive thoughts and opinions from those who share similar values and outlooks. By taking part in meetups, you will come into contact with those who share the same interest but hail from different industries and fields of knowledge. You can enjoy straightforward and candid discussions during the event and exchange your thoughts freely. Meanwhile, you will have the opportunity to absorb knowledge and perspectives from across the spectrum. The key here is how these inputs contribute to your own development and growth.
HSIAO Tzu-Hsun
Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan
In our community, everyone is used to the discussing and exploring the opportunities for industries and making money. This is rather close to the outlook of our society in general, though interestingly this is something we science majors and policy-makers do not pay much attention to. I really like Julia from Green Impact Academy comments about making the pie bigger for everyone. I think this is what people of our generation should seek to achieve: helping Taiwan discover a new ‘Blue Ocean'.
YEH Shin-Cheng
Former Minister Without Portfolio and Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection
The value of green entrepreneur community is its achievement of employing the principles of system dynamics to handle systematic issues of the green industry. What is more amazing is their speed to execution.

Green Impact Academy

Green Impact Academy Inspiring to a Leading Chinese Green Industry Platform

A few years ago, we set out to transform all industries into green companies. It failed. From the experience, we learned this lesson in a hard way, Add successively as many mail coaches as you please, you will never get a railway thereby The essence of green economy is innovation, and the essence of innovation is never continuous.

Green Impact Academy focuses on issues that adds to the advantages of green industries, including talents, capitals, technologies, and policies and regulations. We bring together the expertise across various fields, hoping to make green industries the mainstream economy within one generation.

What Constitutes a Green Enterprise?

A company which can raise energy or resources utilization efficiency during the manufacturing of products or providing of services is considered a green enterprise. A collective of such like-minded companies is a green industry. Through the undertaking of green public and private investments, the green industry can continue to develop green economy and employment mechanisms, thereby decouple the connection between economic growth and carbon emission.

Our Service


The height you can reach in the future will depend on who you share your visions with. Join as a member, and synchronize with the thoughts of green mentors.

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Joining as a member and we will help you assess the priorities for your carbon neutral strategy and assist you in navigating the complex maze of energy and carbon emission.

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We are developing specifications for corporate members with foresight: new business, green talents, green products, ESG marketing, and to seek more effective methods to conduct matchmaking and help realize business cooperation among members and boost hit rates.

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There is no shortcut to success, but we might have one for you.

You do not need to know about the specialized knowledge, technology, and social connections of the green industry domain: We will handle these for you, helping you locate business opportunities and implement successful landings. This solves problems for your company by significantly reduce the time, money, effort and trial-and-error.

Netflix always knows what movies you like, and we know what companies might be your best fit to partner with

Help Energy Companies to Find New Businesses


Help Energy Companies to Find New Businesses
Help Companies to Move Closer to Carbon Neutrality


Help Companies to Move Closer to Carbon Neutrality
Help Companies to Find Cross-sector Partners


Help Companies to Find Cross-sector Partners





你猜對了,我們又要徵人了! 綠學院專注於做對綠色產業發展有利的事,為想要在綠色產業尋找機會的人才或企業帶路與連結資源。我們知道你已經準備好要加入了,只是欠一個東風。所以我們提議,不如你乾脆加入綠學院,有你的加入,我們能一起為綠色產業做出更大貢獻。




Completely Familiarize Yourself with Green Glossary


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