Circular Economy

Circular Economy

Green economy is a term with a broad meaning. The concept comprises two different approaches, including one stressing low carbon-emission economy, while the other one proposes circular economy. Both aim to achieve commercial development and environmental benefits at the same time. The origins of circular economy can be traced back to the paradigm of cradle-to-cradle theory, circular economy, on the other hand, is more focused on the design of business models and supply chain management. Through the continuous recycling and reuse of energy and resources in the supply chain, it seeks to form a closed loop.

The core of circular economy is the “economy.” Therefore, when we explore the term circular economy, it is necessary for us to approach it from the four aspects of material flow, cash flow, data flow, and energy flow and examine the integration of the four respective elements. The product (or service) is the material flow. When there is a market, the flow of material among different parts of the supply chain in one direction will inevitably create a cash flow in the other direction, as well as creating a corresponding data flow. Moreover, with the use of energy in the process, pollution emissions (such as carbon dioxide or other air pollutants) is inevitable – this is the energy flow. As a result, the aspects of material flow, cash flow, and data flow can be used to identify the system’s structure and the existence of the market. After adding energy flow, the four different aspects create a comprehensive image detailing each part of the system.

Circular economy is not something that can be realized simply with the government shouting a few slogans and everyone magically adopt related policies and strategies. The whole scheme involves entire industry supply chains and may go as far as overhauling entire industries. In Taiwan, due to the comprehensive strict standards the government imposes on industrial waste management, the only thing that gets circulated under the pretext of circular economy is NTD, prompting it to become a timebomb that could explode at any time.

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【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】原來只要將回收物賣給下一個人就算是再利用,實際上有沒有 " 真的被" 回收再利用其實無所謂,由此看來「回收再利用」這件事原來只是一場空?但回過頭來說,如果我們消費者對回收系統具備足夠的知識的話,或許就會減少幫倒忙的情況。


【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】回收是一個複雜的系統工程,可惜的是我們有著高回收率,卻沒有產生實質的效益,到底失靈的癥結點在哪呢?首先以最常見的回收聊起:塑膠回收,幾乎除了寶特瓶和牛奶瓶之外,其餘都進入焚化爐,最後回收成為假象;廚餘回收,沒分生廚餘和熟廚餘,終究只是白做工;紙類回收的大陷阱,防水塑膠膜與感熱紙電子發票,常讓我們幫了倒忙。聽起來似乎少做少錯,乾脆不要分類,但其實這篇文章只是希望讓你讀完後,讓你至少可以得到三個知識升級,幫助你開始練習在真實世界裡作複雜的回收決策。

In Taiwan, The Only Thing Being Cycled in the Loop of Circular Economy is Cash

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】前兩週「循環經濟創系列文」創下三天就超過30萬人閱讀,該系列文第三彈登場,帶您深入探討循環經濟中最後真正循環的是甚麼? 一開始,A公司只要把工業製造中產生的廢棄物,交給外面的回收商處理,就算是達到了循環經濟模式1.0版本,但1.0版本恰恰是循環經濟最容易失控的引爆點,因為回收商有沒有確實回收A公司不會去管,回收商收了廢棄物事情就當結案,有沒有真回收,就成了另一件事,所以盲點出現了,因此我們建議得採用3.0版本,就是企業不要只想著把廢棄物往外丟,自身也要盡可能參與循環的過程,藉由使用自身的廢棄物經再生後製成的成品,來實踐循環經濟。

The 422 Mantra: Understanding the Circular Economy Industry

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】Understanding the system is not an easy thing. At least at this point you are done reading this article and should be aware of employing engineering logic to better understand the mantra of the circular economy industry.

One Way of Thinking That Determines Whether It will be “Circular World” or “Trash Taiwan” for the Future

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】Any innovative solutions begin with breakthroughs against the inertia of thinking within ourselves. Only by learning the process of making complex decisions in the real world can we truly enter the core thinking of circular economy. And only through this can we implement the ideal step-by-step in real-world commercial scenarios. Perhaps the ultimate form of sustainable development can provide a better definition of morality.





2024-11-19 新能源業常常佔據國內外政治、經濟、投資、科技熱門新聞版面,但是大家都不告訴我們哪些是我們這種普通人能夠參與的機會。其實,新能源只有三個字,新事業卻有千百種,光是臺灣的儲能業,就有很多你可以參與且還有不錯收入的工作。
【投資人限定邀請】 來穎科技發表會|不用辦高爾夫球證,直接進包廂!
2024-12-16 其實很多投資人都知道要投資新能源業,重點是你得懂行。這幾年在台電、綠學院等幾幫人推動本地儲能發展及電力交易平台之下,短短三年預估交易額就上看50億(2024E),成就了不少公司實現上市櫃里程碑,而這些公司,就藏身於綠學院的會員行列之內。