Cradle to Cradle

Cradle to Cradle

The way of thinking for traditional industrial design is one way and linear – from cradle to grave. The product is created at the factory and gets tossed into the waste bin after being consumed, eventually ending up in the landfill which serves as the grave site. Many years ago, Michael Braungart and William McDonough proposed the circular concept of “cradle to cradle.” Their vision replaces the one-way design with a circular design. The approach creates a system mimicking the highly efficient metabolism mechanism of the natural world spanning the stages of product design, production, and recycling. The concept of waste does not exist under this system, as waste are simply resources which we have yet to devise a method to reutilize.

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2025-01-07 【綠色人才領航地圖】系列文章推出後,我們常常遇到綠色工作者認為自己有志難伸,在追求永續職涯的過程中充滿挫折。明明覺得自己算是很有經驗的了,雇主卻覺得換工作頻率太高,每個工作都待不超過三年,不敢把重大事情交給自己。ESG報告書寫了兩次覺得無聊了,工作只好一個又一個地換。
2025-01-07 各位好朋友們,混雜著熱切、開心、對自我的期許,邀請你一起參加綠色創業家社群第200場產業小聚。