GAO Anton Ming-Zhi

An Evangelist for Energy Laws

Gao received his Ph.D. in Law (KU Leuven) in December 2009. His main research focus concerns energy and environmental law, including their interactions. In recent years, he has published several articles and made several presentations on international and comparative renewable energy law, energy liberalization and energy security, strategic Environmental Assessment. He currently teaches in National Tsing Hua University, and as the mentor of Green Impact Academy.



【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】再生能源的發電成本已經降到具市場競爭力的價格,現在只要是出口導向的企業,不管是為了取得更便宜的電、符合國際品牌大廠的綠電要求、取得更好的企業形象等,都有足夠的動機搶購綠電,我們現在需要的是如何把這5%包裝起來,讓企業合法得到綠電憑證而已。

Taiwan’s Recent Offshore Wind Power Political Turmoil: The Implications for Investors

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】On June 22, 2018, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) announced the results of its offshore wind power (OWP) competitive auction. Two companies were awarded the development rights for four offshore wind farms (OWFs), with a total capacity of 1,664 megawatts (MW). The projects are to be completed by 2025

The Localization Dilemma of Taiwan Offshore Wind Power

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】We have been publishing a series of articles since last year (2017) predicting the direction of development of Taiwan’s offshore wind power (OWP) industry. Guess what? We were correct, as shown by the developments six months later. The controversy regarding localization began surfacing during the selection process. Recently, due to the crazy-low price, the controversy has officially become a dilemma.

Stop Saying that Investment in OWP will Force the Public to Pick up a NT$900 Billion Tab

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】NT$900 billion? Are you serious? The Root of the Price Drop: The Success of Developers Shrugging-off the Burden of Localization. By Not Signing the Contract with Developers is Exempt from Legal Repercussion


【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】國發會陳美伶主委的一席「德國幾乎沒裝冷氣,屋內卻不會熱」發言,引發各界強烈批評,但其實陳主委的發言,卻也只是顯示出一般人對於綠建築邏輯的誤解而已。因為綠色產業的邏輯跟許多現行的普世價值根本是顛倒的,一般人負擔不了,加上眾人天天只談感覺不談邏輯,心裡著急時,自然想要了解到外國是怎麼做的,斷章取義變得很難避免,久而久之就形成了「外國月亮比較圓」的情況。然而從歐洲經驗可知,除了技術面外,落實建築節能的關鍵,在於強制法規,但我國政府目前遭遇到的困境,就是跨部會的困境。

A Top-level Trade Secret with OWP Developers

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】 Three Steps to Protect Yourself from Gentlemen and Lying Scoundrels. Here, I will provide you 3 moves based on the legal perspective: Move 1: The Way of WTO and Trade Sanctions. Move 2: Devise Strategy for Future Risk Management. Move 3: Prepare Strategy on Possible Legal Responses

The Selection Process Dilemma of Taiwan Offshore Wind Power

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】When the supply development of renewable energy of a nation reaches a certain stage of maturity, the government will start reducing the number of those qualified for sales with applicable preferential rates and setting ceilings to the quantity purchased. For example, in the past, the amount of solar power purchased is equivalent to the total amount produced.

The EIA Dilemma of Taiwan Offshore Wind Power

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】The EIA can "veto" the effectiveness of a development case. So is Taiwan an environmental protection power?

The Financing Dilemma of Taiwan Offshore Wind Power

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】The cost of installing wind turbines is very high. A 5MW offshore wind turbine costs at least 800 million NTD, not to mention the maritime engineering costs. It is not a business that a start-up could easily enter.

What Shadows Offshore Wind Power Industry despite the Significant Inflow of Foreign Investment?

【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】There are several reasons; the most critical one, in my opinion, is “politics overriding the law”. That results in increased legal risks.