A Top Energy ICT engineer
With a perfect engineering mindset, Yen devotes himself in energy ICT (information and communications technology) many years, handling projects in the fields of energy efficiency, demand side management, smart building, and smart home. He is constantly looking for sustainable business models and products that has green impact, and contributing to the energy transition of Taiwan. He is currently working in Synerger, helping to design feasible energy efficiency solutions for industrial users. He is also the mentor of Green Impact Academy.
在臺灣,有許多能源業者摩拳擦掌想要成為第二個特斯拉傳奇, 但在短短一年間爆量,超過了台電的需求。 儲能才剛出社會就面臨生涯危機!大夥兒嚷嚷著要台電奶媽負責...
老闆每天都很忙,為了一家子的生存努力奮鬥。聽到賺錢他才會聽得懂,聽到花錢他就容易聽不懂。 這篇文章,就是為了全天下的老闆而寫,也為了每天為了說服老闆而傷透腦筋的你我而寫。如何評估值不值得建置能源管理系統,首先要了解這是什麼東西,以及它為你帶來什麼效益。
【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】 今夏(2018),行政院宣布針對用電量大戶施行尖峰用電時段強制節電5%,消息一出,產業大戶紛紛跳腳,究竟這項政策是有道理還是為難人? 讓能源高手帶你深入了解並學習如何判斷一項政策是否具全局考量,有無落實的可行性及可以達到效果嗎?
【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】 In Taiwan, technicians in the energy industry feel demotivated at work.