LIN Hsien-Te

The Pioneer of Green Building Development

Lin was inspired by United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio 30 years ago, he devoted himself to establishing energy-saving building resolution in Taiwan, and gave birth of the world first green building certification system. Lin is the founder of Low Carbon Building Alliance (LCBA) in 2011. LCBA developed world leading certification of architectural industry- BCF (Building Carbon Footprint). LCBA also established The Carbon Footprint of Building Certification and Platform of Low Carbon Building Industry, hoping to build a low carbon chain in Taiwan. Lin is always honest to himself when it comes to environmental issues. He expects to turn the theories he learned into practices to protect the environment. He is also the mentor of Green Impact Academy.





【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】國發會陳美伶主委的一席「德國幾乎沒裝冷氣,屋內卻不會熱」發言,引發各界強烈批評,但其實陳主委的發言,卻也只是顯示出一般人對於綠建築邏輯的誤解而已。因為綠色產業的邏輯跟許多現行的普世價值根本是顛倒的,一般人負擔不了,加上眾人天天只談感覺不談邏輯,心裡著急時,自然想要了解到外國是怎麼做的,斷章取義變得很難避免,久而久之就形成了「外國月亮比較圓」的情況。然而從歐洲經驗可知,除了技術面外,落實建築節能的關鍵,在於強制法規,但我國政府目前遭遇到的困境,就是跨部會的困境。


【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】 我在2013年獲得科技部「小產學聯盟計畫」支持成立了低碳建築聯盟LCBA(Low Carbon Building Alliance),希望能建立建築物碳足跡的認證制度,同時建構「低碳建築產業平台」以推展台灣的低碳建築產業鏈,這不是口號,而是真心誠實執行,今年五月份即將展開的「LCBA-AAP碳足跡評培訓班」,找到建築節能減碳的熱點,訴之有效的建築環保行動。
