A Distinctive CPA endeavor in Sustainability
Tseng has more than 10 years experience in sustainability and assurance. He looks forward to building a new triangle of sustainable development among government, social enterprises and listed companies. He specializes in CSR report advisory and assurance, international sustainability index, green finance, carbon pricing and strategy, and integrated reporting. He is currently the partner, CPA and climate change and sustainability service leader of Ernst & Young, Taiwan. He is also the visiting mentor of Green Impact Academy.
【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】這幾天張忠謀在一場研討會中表示對於人工智慧(AI)的發展,他相當擔憂會造成低薪問題,而稍早之前,比爾.蓋茲卻說人工智慧(AI)的發展對社會永續發展有利,這兩個人說法南轅北轍,我們到底應該聽誰的?