TSENG Zhao-Heng

An Initiator of “Indoor Air Quality Management Act” in Taiwan

Since Tseng was a student, he has been aware of air pollution issues. He has over 10 years of such professional experience. Besides being one of the initiators of “Indoor Air Quality Management Act” in Taiwan, Tseng also examined more than 100 buildings to improve their indoor air quality. He is capable transforming invisible air to something tangible. He is the professor at Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management at Taipei University of Technology, director of Taiwan Society of Indoor Environmental Quality and Indoor Environmental Quality Research Center at Taipei University of Technology. He is also the mentor of Green Impact Academy.





【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】在有了美日的先例,我國環保署也啟動PM2.5國家空氣品質標準的研究,可惜PM2.5的整治沒有萬靈丹,改善污染必須多管齊下,除了創新的技術引入及法規突破,有賴你我及政府的集體努力,才能約略看到成效。此外,空氣污染的最後一哩路,就是室內空氣品質,為了躲避霾害而待在室內時,卻中了自己設下的污染陷阱,吸入了更多裝潢逸散的有毒化學物質、讓人生病的細菌、霉菌、更多PM2.5的二手煙、燃燒廢氣等等,反而更得不償失。我國2012年生效的《室內空氣品質管理法》,累積至2017年已列管了約1,500家各類公共場所,藉由政府的督促以減少大眾空間的室內空氣污染。

