WANG King-Min

The ‘Peter Pan’ of Promoting Electricity Liberalization

As a traveler, researcher and professor of the Division of International Economics and Energy and Environment Center at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Wang cares about topics regarding energy, resource and environmental economics. He devotes himself to the electricity liberalization of Taiwan for decades, which makes him the master in this domain, second to none. He is also the mentor of Green Impact Academy.



【綠色帶路人的心底話】好嚇人啊!全額的綠電保價收購制度(Feed-in-Tariffs; FIT)美好的日子要隨太陽要下山了!恨啊!拒絕成長永遠受到父母的呵護不是溫馨且美好嗎?有什麼不對呢?
