YANG Chia-Yen

An Impact Investor

Steven Yang received his Ph.D. in economics from Iowa State University in 2000, and had since worked for more than a decade as a research fellow and later the director of division VI for TIER. His research work covered the areas of macroeconomics, industrial innovation system, SMEs, and knowledge services. In recent years he has joined the impact investment cycle for putting in practice his academic findings in the hope for more actively contributing to the development of new economy and a better society. He was the former mentor of Green Impact Academy.



【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】這週我們談談國內綠色影響力投資的發展與現況。有別於過去傳統基金會慣用捐贈方式來資助社會使命組織,近二十年來國際公益與影響力投資(VP/II)逐漸興起,主張更積極參與、長期陪伴、財務與非財務資源並用以及影響力衡量與管理。台灣的影響力投資尚在初始學步階段,可進步空間仍大,現行財會標準也需要各界跨域整合,讓無形的社會效益逐步和會計標準系統接軌。如果整體社會的價值衡量系統更趨完善,資源網絡也會發揮足夠挹注力量,讓社會創新更蓬勃發展,而長久存在的社會問題也就更有機會邁向持續改善之路。


【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】投資的目的是什麼?「當然是為了賺錢!」既然如此為何又陸續出現了社會企業、社會投資、社會創新等系統?「因為想讓這世界變得更好。」 是因此眼前的企業、投資、創新這一套系統不夠好嗎?......。這個答案很困難,但如果企業決策者只知考慮財務效果,而漠視其他衍生影響,將會在追求企業全面價值的道路上,犯下策略性錯誤,因為不僅需要擴張投資報酬的定義,更應將環境和社會的報酬也納入其中。
