Stan HO

A Science Geek Involved in LEED and WELL Building

As the only member in Taiwan to receive ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional Certification (BEMP), Ho founded Greenjump Sustainability in 2014. A science major at school, he entered the field of green buildings and is dedicated to the promotion of both LEED and WELL Building Standard. Ho led the team to obtain Taiwan’s first WELL Gold certification and the first LEED-CI V4 Platinum certification for a local office. He is a pioneer in the healthy building industry, also the mentor of Green Impact Academy.



【Green Mentor's Fireside Chat】 你知道嗎? 辦公建築對身體健康的影響程度遠比我們以為的高,大多數人一生90%的時間是在建築物裡,建築物健不健康,對你的健康狀態有很大的決定權。國際WELL健康建築標準,以醫學研究作為基底設計出符合人體運作的健康建築,而知名的物業管理及投資管理公司Jones Lang LaSalle上海辦公室在取得WELL認證之後,發現其員工的病假率下降20%。了解 WELL健康建築標準選擇辦公室,遠離病態建築症候群(Sick Building Syndrome, SBS)!
